Keisha Brewer is the CEO and Lead Strategist at the PR Alliance, which is a public relations and strategic communications agency. Starting in 2016, Brewer was featured on TEDx Talk, founded PRocon in 2022, and awarded the Breakthrough in Women in Music & Media by Broccoli City Festival this year. Here are ways to apply Brewer’s power of communication to your brand:
Be Authentic & Personable
One of the best ways Brewer says to brand your business is to be authentic and personable in your brand’s voice and tone. The voice of your brand is essentially its personality, while its tone is the emotional response to your branding. By establishing a brand voice that is transparent in its purpose and vision, you will have a stronger connection and emotional response. Your mission and vision statements are the first step in building an authentic and personable story that relates to your target audience. By continuing to relate to the “why,” or mission, behind your brand in your content, you can continue to grow your following.
Engage to Understand Your Audience
Once you establish a consistent authenticity in your brand’s voice and tone, you need to engage with your audience. Engaging with your audience allows them to feel seen, and in turn, encourage brand loyalty and support. Brewer utilizes this tactic to understand the needs of an individual brand’s audience as well. The comment section of your content, regardless of the platform, can open up dialogue on what your audience wishes to see from your brand or potential ways you can expand your products or services that already interests them.
Communicate the Value of Your Brand
Of course, Brewer emphasizes why you should always communicate the value your brand brings to your audience. Whether you are a product or service-based brand, your audience ultimately wants to know what makes your brand more valuable than any other brand. Additionally, potential collaborators or partners will want to know what type of value your brand brings. The value may relate back to your brand’s authentic story, engagement, etc. Brewer has gotten brands featured on CBS, BET, Essence, and more by knowing and communicating the value each brand offers, so never try to undersell the value of your brand.
Keisha Brewer has found success as a CEO, Founder, and Lead Strategist by understanding the power in which communication holds because branding is all about how you execute communication in your business. Want to learn more from Brewer about how to use her tactics in communication? Check out her Tedx Talk below titled “It’s Not Manipulation, It’s Strategic Communication:”