Read about the real cost of being a woman.

From hair products to razors, price discrimination is still a huge unresolved issue when it comes to gender inequity in the United States. The “Pink Tax” is a women-only upcharge rate that causes women to pay significantly more than men for certain goods such as: personal care, hygiene products, and much more. This Women’s History Month WOMEN OF LYN wanted to bring light to this issue that has been happening for decades in our country and continues to happen. Let’s find ways to solve this together.
What is the Pink Tax?
It is not an actual tax. The Pink Tax, also known as “gender based pricing”, is the extra amount of money that women have to pay for certain products or services over the course of their lifetime. These products include: razors, shampoo, clothing, haircuts, and dry cleaning.
In 2010, a Consumer Reportsstudy found that women pay up to 50 percent more than men for similar products.
Who is mostly affected?
Of course, women in general and those who regularly purchase feminine marketed products and services that have a higher price than products targeted to men are directly impacted by the Pink Tax. According to a reportby the Senate Joint Economic Committee Democratic Staff, “On average, American women earn 80 cents for each dollar their male counterparts earn.” With this statement, one can assume or conclude that women are heavily impacted financially already – The Pink Tax is just another added layer.
In the United States, the Pink Tax is especially detrimental to women of color. The same Business Insider report says, “African American women earn 62 cents for each dollar a Caucasian man earns, and Hispanic women earn 54 cents of that same dollar.”
Why is this issue important to address?
We should always speak up about any women’s rights issues and inequalities in general to bring awareness to them. There are some people are still not aware of the Pink Tax and the effects of it. Not speaking on this issue allows it to remain unresolved. Therefore, we are here to educate.
The Pink Tax is just another issue in women’s rights and gender inequity discussions. Moreover, women already experience a pay discrimination in contrast to men. So, it is even harder to pay for everyday needs with taxes and higher priced products when experiencing a considerable wage gap.
Tampon Tax
The Pink Tax and something called the “Tampon Tax” are a part of the same conversation. In most states, groceries and even erectile dysfunction medication like Viagra are considered “non-luxury” items that are not taxed. Yet, tampons are considered “luxury” items that aren’t tax exempt, in 40 states.
Feminine hygiene products are essential to women for our periods, not a luxury. We cannot control our periods. For non-essential medicinal products like Viagra to be tax exempt in most states, is like a slap in the face.
It is absolutely necessary for us to keep fighting for the Pink Tax to be addressed. We want all of our WOL Bosses to be aware of this so we can not only continue to take action but to also educate on this topic, to move the discussion forward. To learn more about the Pink Tax, you may visit or to learn more!
This is definitely an issue our country needs to address more, especially with inflation on the rise.