There are many challenges faced by WOL Bosses, yet one is a common topic of discussion: setting boundaries. Boundaries allow you to separate yourself from your business, which is vital in avoiding burnout. Below are three key ways in setting boundaries as a boss:
1. Establish Business Hours
It’s important to establish your business and/or contact hours because set hours of operation allows clients/customers to understand when they may visit your location, book an appointment, or expect a reply regarding a question or concern. Contact hours simply means when you are “in office” to respond to emails, DM’s, etc. The most important aspect of establishing your business and/or contact hours is to abide by it. Limiting exceptions and remaining firm in your business/contact hours allows others to better respect the boundaries set for yourself and your business.
2. Provide Clear Expectations
A policy is another type of boundary for your business. As a boss, you want to ensure the policies you’ve set for your business are clear and concise. Whether it’s a return policy or a booking policy, clients/customers should have a strong understanding of what to expect. Any miscommunication can cause an overstep of your policy, or boundary, without a client/customer intending to. For example, you may be a nail tech requiring a 50% deposit to secure a booking yet have clients ignoring this policy because it isn’t clear or readily available. Providing a detailed yet concise explanation of your policy on your website, as well as each social media platform, aids in establishing this boundary.
3. Say “No”
The last recommendation we have that may seem the hardest is simply saying “no.” If you were to say yes or accommodate for everyone else, you’d be constantly overbooked, overworked, and frustrated, which is why saying no is important in prioritizing yourself as a boss. It’s okay to say no to a client or reinforce a policy with a customer because it further solidifies the boundaries you’ve set for yourself and your business. Additionally, you should always remain professional and respectful in the way you say “no,” so you can maintain a positive brand image for your business.
Setting boundaries may be difficult initially, but over time you’ll see established business hours, clear expectations, and saying “no” will help you and your business to grow.